15 hours ago
I got the ZTE box a month ago and when i make or recieve a call antenna led turn oranges. the user guide say the device connect to UTMS when led are oranges. I tought this was an LTE device. Voice call quality is very poor compared to a call made from my mobile at the exact same location. Is there an issue with my box?
15 hours ago
The ZTE box should connect over LTE, but if the antenna LED is turning orange during calls, it may be falling back to a UMTS connection, which could explain the lower call quality. Please try restarting the device and ensuring it's placed near a window or in an area with strong signal strength.
9 hours ago
Even close to a window, it turns to UTMS.
9 hours ago
If your ZTE box is switching to UTMS even when placed near a window, it could be struggling to maintain a strong LTE signal. Try repositioning the device to an area with better reception or checking for any obstructions. If the issue persists, we recommend contacting tech support for further assistance.