a month ago
To I got a response from my post here in the Telus Neighbourhood from Telus but the ‘Reply to’ does not match the sender?? Is this a scam? It’s sent from an email: [email protected]
the Reply to email is: bhzof35755.prod|86800f0a|defae4aa-27aa-4ae4-86de-697243e203d8@replybyemail.usw2.prod.hosted.lithcloud.com
This doesn’t seem legit! I’m not replying! Beware!
a month ago
Pretty sure that one is legit. It should allow users to reply to that email and the response will show up on the forums, instead of posting the reply directly on the forums. I do know that bhzof35755 is the ID for the Neighbourhood for the forum software being used.