- last edited
a month ago
I've been with Telus for almost 12 years and have ALWAYS had stellar service from them. Both reasonable and human, but now Everytime I call, nobody seems to have any authority at all even "at the highest levels". They keep saying "let me check what's available in the system" and it's always poor offers. There was one guy that sent me a good offer and said it can be redeemed in-store or online, so I drove half-hour to the Telus store and they could not redeem it, told me to come back the next day. Went back, still could not redeem it. I had to call in again, stuck on hold forever, and then was told they cannot honor the offer they sent. I argued for quite a while and then finally had to tell him that if he didn't honor it, I would report Telus to the regulatory body for telecommunications in Canada, which suddenly made him want to figure it out.
He said he'd call me back at 5pm the next day and he didn't. I had to call in again (another hour at least on the phone), and he finally made the offer work. I told him that the offered stated I could redeem in-store and that I drove in twice at Telus's recommendation (half hour one way x4 =2hrs) and sat in store for about 45 minutes each time not to mention hours on the phone trying to redeem this one offer. He replied with "this was a very complicated situation, I had to manually do the whole thing and I came out successfully, so no I cannot do any more than that."
So basically, the guy from telus complained that he had to figure out how to honor the offer they sent me, and then wouldn't reimburse me in the slightest for my 2 hours of driving, my time, or my aggravation.
On TOP of that, the offer I received stated in no uncertain terms "you are eligible for family discount." It does not say "terms and conditions apply" or "please confirm eligibility with an agent" or anything of the sort, it is written as a pre-evaluated statement that I AM eligible. Again, Telus will not honor that.
I hope someone in the management team reads this. I've personally been with Telus almost 12 years, brought my wife over from Eastlink, brought my grandmother over, brought multiple family members into Telus by sharing promotions that I've seen, and that does not seem to matter to them at all.
If things don't change soon, I may as well just finish up my contracts and go find another service provider.
Telus used to have a loyalty department which once you were elevated there would/could give you a special deal.
I had that about 4 years ago the last time. you are a 12 year customer, it was about then I became aware that Telus customer support is not in Canada on your initial call, well there is and if you ask nicely many times they will tranfer you to a Canadian contact. But today Telus is run off their feet with complaints and solutions are down the road. So they use good talkers from foreign countries.
However, you still have the option to log into your account and see what offers are available, self serve options.
Last minth I ended up with $30~ off my monthly cell bill and double the data GB.
I will never again accept a phone call offer or a door salesperson offer. BTW if you hear them say this call will be recorded for quaility assurance, as soon as you get a live person say the same to them, and actually record the call.
Technical support however is undermanned and unable to solve hardware issues with the new stuff all providers are moving towards. The wonderful cloud based solutions.
So does Telus no longer have a loyalty department?
And have you found the Canadian contacts to have more authority in what they're able to offer?
IMO, Telus loyalty department today would break the bank.
There is now much more issues with the adaption of new tech moving to the cloud. Most foreign support staff get paid less then local but more than their own country. Well intentioned, and in one case overeducated for the job, but yes I have not experienced an agent outside the country able to do or credit. They appear to assist those that need help in how to operate a working system.
To put what you're saying in plain terms, sounds like Telus is phasing out customer loyalty and retention, outsourcing to other countries for cheaper labour, and hiring low-wage foreign "smooth talkers" to talk you in circles until you either feel good about getting nothing or until you give up in frustration.
As far as the "break the bank" comment - I'm calling BS on that. Telus is constantly tooting their own horn on their website and advertising about being "the giving company" and how deeply they care for seniors and low-income and foster kids, yada yada yada. To say they can't afford to have a department for customer complaints resolution is just laughable.
Thanks for replying, I think you've pretty well confirmed that I'm gonna look for other providers.