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Recently had a power outage in my area. I am served via Telus optical. Thus, I knew my land line would not work, but discovered my cell phone also un-useable. I suspect the reason is the local cell site was also out of power and DID NOT have battery backup. (Phone won't work if it cannot connect) Which brought to mind a major disaster where large areas without power. Where for whatever reason you cannot drive to an area that has workable phone service. This is a major issue for Disaster Recovery to minimize loss of life. Cell providers should be mandated to have battery backup at ALL cell sites.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello. We do have contingencies in place for various situations. Power outages of course are often out of our control, but when the timeframe and scenario allows (and for longer outages), we do install mobile towers or mobile power generators...assuming weather conditions are safe.

Hello A-B;

Thanks for the reply. To me, mobile backup power, when timeframe and scenario allows, doesn't cut it in an emergency. Imagine the big earthquake when it finally hits the BC Coast. Large swaths of area without power. Roads buckled and fires all over the place. Hopefully, most poles will still be somewhat standing. How much back up mobile equipment do you have? I can imagine many hours, maybe days, before it is deployed...and suspect there will be very limited, the vast majority of us will be on our own.  I get's about the extra $ required to provide battery backup at every cell location. The mobile providers would undoubtedly have to increase rates...but then again, they could probably get the Governments to cover the additional cost.

I conclude I'm talking to the wrong won't police yourself...I won't bring this up to you again.

Again, thanks for getting back. have a good day.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks, you too!