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who manages the door to door salesmen teams that are going around?

Friendly Neighbour

So I got a bundle deal by the name of a door-to-door salesman called Arvin here in barrie Ontario Canada. It's been hell. Getting a hold of him anytime I need an answer to something has been such a pain. Then all of a sudden he stops answering phone calls. So I tried texting and he stopped that too. So then I have to call each department to solve issues and speaking to anybody has been a problem because they have to all know what's going on and open up a file and ask for your information etc. Finally, I got a hold of someone who would fix my issue which was overbilling and it still hasn't been resolved. Is there anyone at this company that just stopped everything for me? My phone bill is not fixed and says I owe more than what I owe. I was supposed to get my internet weeks ago and I have heard NOTHING at all only to find out that my sales rep didn’t send my modem at all but somehow my internet line was connected as per what the customer representative told me on the phone. So im not using the internet but it says it's set up at their end? How does that even make sense? My security installation was a hassle to set up and is finally coming tomorrow but im just annoyed and fed up with everything. The absolute worst, WORST service ever. And the worst part is I can't get a hold of the sales rep who was supposed to be my customer representative. doesn't pick up his calls or answer his messages. Absolute nightmare.


Friendly Neighbour

So I got a bundle deal by the name of a door-to-door salesman called Arvin here in barrie Ontario Canada. It's been hell. Getting a hold of him anytime I need an answer to something has been such a pain. Then all of a sudden he stops answering phone calls. So I tried texting and he stopped that too. So then I have to call each department to solve issues and speaking to anybody has been a problem because they have to all know what's going on and open up a file and ask for your information etc. Finally, I got a hold of someone who would fix my issue which was overbilling and it still hasn't been resolved. Is there anyone at this company that just stopped everything for me? My phone bill is not fixed and says I owe more than what I owe. I was supposed to get my internet weeks ago and I have heard NOTHING at all only to find out that my sales rep didn’t send my modem at all but somehow my internet line was connected as per what the customer representative told me on the phone. So im not using the internet but it says it's set up at their end? How does that even make sense? My security installation was a hassle to set up and is finally coming tomorrow but im just annoyed and fed up with everything. The absolute worst, WORST service ever. And the worst part is I can't get a hold of the sales rep who was supposed to be my customer representative. doesn't pick up his calls or answer his messages. Absolute nightmare. all of this over a month period and i didn't even use any of the services except the mobility and even that is was wong.

[Mod edit: merged two posts together]


Hi @adam89 - So from what I understand, you were supposed to have internet and you are being billed but it was never installed?


I'll send you a message to assist


- Eric

I ended up fixing the issue after an annoying amount of phone and reiteration of the same story 10 times to different people. thank you though. id like to know who manages the sales representatives that go door to door and also where i can complain about them. the service was ridiculously horrible. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Adam, we will send you a message to assist


I recently had a similar issue with Arvin but here in Toronto.  He made an incredible offer for mobility and home security which Telus refused to honour. It was supposed to be a three year deal and I was repeatedly told "we" can't honour that.  I kept asking 'why" what difference is it to Telus if it's two years or three years meanwhile I have all new equipment for three years but only two years of credits that I'm stuck with plus new cell phone lines but I had to negotiate hard to get them close to the deal offered.  I asked to hear the recording that Arvin made at the door and they would not turn that over.  The home security equipment was already installed so to remove the services would have been a greater pain in the butt  than working out a new more favourable deal.  I spent days speaking with customer service trying to get them to honour the deal that Arvin offered at the door.  Telus wouldn't budge and would not honour the offer.  I compromised and accepted a different deal.  The worst thing is that home security and mobility are two different entities - I believe they did this on purpose so that you cannot get the package deal offered at the door you have to work with two separate customer service desks. They are fraudulently making false and misleading packages and make the customer jump through hoops to get close to what was offered.  Shameful and far worse than Bell and Rogers.  Telus sinks to a new low. I want to escalate this.  Would you be willing to work in joint letter to CRTC or whatever the governing body is.  I want to pursue this further. Julie

We'll send you a private message to discuss further.

Just Moved In

Same issue with door knockers. Ours was named Naser, here in Red Deer. Mobile and Home Security “package” was offered. And then we found out that they cannot be packaged together, managed by two different customer service teams. Customer service is saying they’ve been dealing with incorrect offers from door knockers but it seems nothing is being done to address the issue? The only option they’re offering is either accept what they’re offering which is more than double than what was offered by Naser or cancel the service before the thirty days is up. 

We tried reaching out to Naser, he responded once and told us that the discounts he offered would appear after a week and that they have different offers from what the phone team can offer. It has been more than a week and of course, no discounts. 

Hey, Don. We'll send you a private message to discuss further, thanks.