08-19-2020 04:46 PM
To migrate my e-mail account they say they will text me when it's done. I don't have a cell phone nor am I willing to give a friends number to get my e-mail.I also don't want to buy a phone just for this.
08-20-2020 10:02 AM
to transfer e-mail to google they say they need to send me a text after it's done. I don't have a cell phone and don't want to involve friends in my e-mails any ideas what options I have. I also don't want to buy a cell just for this.
08-23-2020 02:04 PM
Same here. Absolutely horrible experience and really bad timing. Few people I know refused to give me their number as soon as I mentioned Google. Google moved it over without me doing anything and is now locked Telus Help can't do anything about it. Now it's at Google and the earliest help in about 72 hours. Being an hour on the phone waiting for Telus Help was peanuts, now it's the 3rd day and nothing.