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What's caused my internet bills to double this year?


I've been renting here in Kelowna for a little over 2 year now. Since April, the cost of my internet has skyrocketed from $84 up to $200. The landlord I rent from has been renting out the suite adjacent to mine for Air BnB, but even if those people are using my internet, I have unlimited data..Screenshot_20220819-171444.pngScreenshot_20220819-171625.png



@martyB1 Wrote: Since April, the cost of my internet has skyrocketed from $84 up to $200. 


I would suspect that the original 2 year contract has expired, and as such all the discounts have ceased to be included in your monthly billings. I would contact Telus to see what may be offered as new discounts for signing a new 2 year contract/commitment.

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