I've got 2 homes that have telus as my internet service provider.
At one location, I can check my work email (MDaemon webmail) without any issues. At the other location, it constantly times out and makes it impossible to check my email.
I suspect telus will tell me it's a problem with the work email server, but if it works fine in one part of the city, why doesn't it work fine in another part of the city? I've used my cell phone to check both locations, 2 different desktops with same specs (one at 'good' location', one at the other one), and a new laptop at the bad location with no difference. All of the devices have a problem at the bad location. Haven't tried the new laptop at the good location, but I think it will work fine.
Not using a VPN anywhere.
Thanks for any insights!!
Are there logs or any way to determine what type of timeout is occuring?
Thanks for trying!
Not sure if there are any logs. Running Dev Tools in Edge shows this error often:
POST jquery-latest.js...
https://<work website>/WorldClient.dll?Session...
Tried Chrome, similar error.
Is it just the one website that has issues loading, or are there others? If it's a Telus connection issue, I'd normally expect that multiple sites would have a connection error. Are you able to load the main root website for your employer without the 'WorldClient.dll?Session...' part of the URL? If yes, then it's something specific to the webmail.
If no other websites are timing out, one possibility would be whether or not your work web/email server somehow blocked the IP address assigned to your second connection. Using a VPN would be a very quick way to confirm that at the second location, or take the new laptop to the first location.
A less likely issue would be DNS. If the DNS server at the second location is pointing to an outdated server IP address thus the connection timed out error. You could try changing even one of the computers there to use a third party DNS. The easy way is in both Chrome and Edge, go into Settings and search for Secure DNS. If Secure DNS is off, your computer is using the default DNS set on the Telus gateway. If Secure DNS is already enabled, try using a different DNS provider in that list or disable Secure DNS entirely. Re-launch the browser, and try the webmail again.
Thanks for your reply!
It seems to be only the webmail. All other staff pages are fine.
It worked fine before on the same desktops, cell phone, and an old laptop. So something somewhere changed along the way. I don't know how many people in the company are having this problem, but our IT guy took a look at my setup and all we could say was, "Weird."
I did whitelist the old laptop and desktop at the non-working location and after the update, it said neither whitelisted nor blacklisted, so not sure what that means. Interestingly, I just tried to whitelist this laptop and the tool on the staff webpage was not responding. I'll check with our IT guy when I go to work to see if there are current issues.
I'll have to dink around with a VPN to see if that fixes the problem when I have more time. I'm not very savvy with that stuff.
Secure DNS was set to on when I checked. I did quickly try using a couple different third party DNS in Chrome just now, but it didn't help.
I tried the VPN thing in Microsoft Edge and it seems to be working as I would expect. I'll roll with it and see how it goes. I did try VPN on the old laptop with similar results, but I think it stopped working after.
The weird thing to me is that it worked fine on the old laptop and desktop before 'the thing happened'. Then I had to use VPN.
Have you talked to your work support people? There are various timeout settings that can be configured for the server: