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The future is...??

No call back at planned time on a Friday after reporting residential outage. Opened the box from the drop outside my house and seen the outer insulation contracted about 2 inches leaving the optical cable exposed (the problem). So how much to and fro with customer service and unpaid time off from my work (even though outside problem) not to mention downtime without service without monthly bill adjusted will this take for a simple job on an install done 6 months earlier?

Community Power User
Community Power User

You realize the Neighbourhood is inhabited almost entirely by other Telus customers who have no ability to address your request?
I suggest you try contacting them through their social media platforms TELUSSupport on Twitter, or through their Facebook presence.


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Absolutely understand that. And no acknowledgment that a repair ticket has even been started when I was told I would be contacted later that day at a time we both agreed on.
My post is more of a precautionary one to potential future customers of how issues of service loss are addressed. My down time on fibre in the last 6 months has exceeded downtime in the 15+ years of copper line use. Unfortunately copper line use was phased out.