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Telus gauging on billing cancellations

I am hoping you can help me resolve a nearly $700 billing dispute with Telus .  Here is the situation.
I have two houses; one is my primary residence and the other I rent as a BnB.  I had separate accounts with Telus for each property. For my primary residence I had a land line, cablevision and  internet; for the BnB I had cablevision, internet, and later 
The problems began in 2022, when I repeatedly got incorrect bills - bills that were more than what they were supposed to be.  For some six months I had to continually call Telus, be put on hold for sometimes 45 minutes or longer, and then speak to someone in a global call centre. Each time I would call the agent would agree there was an error and assure me it would be corrected on the next bill - but the errors continued.  
One agent gave me the number for Telus’ “loyalty line”. When I called on December 23, 2022, the Telus representative (Juan from Guatamala)  sympathized with my predicament, promised to fix my billing for once and for all, and offered me a free security camera for my BnB as a good will gesture for Telus’ errors.   I said no at first, but relented when he said I should take the offer as it was free. At no time did I agree to a contract, sign a contract, or discuss a contract as the security camera was supposed to be free.  The camera was sent in the mail and I installed it myself.
Unfortunately, the incorrect billing again came up in November of 2023.  Telus started to bill $15 a month for the security camera, and when I called about it they said they would reduce it to $5 a month.  When I protested that the camera was supposed to be free, they said the camera price were “under contract”.  However, as mentioned earlier, at no time did Telus discuss a contract with me, and I never signed a contract either verbally or in writing.  
In frustration, I told Telus to cancel my services as of March 22, 2024..  They responded by giving me a bill for almost $700 for my BnB account:  $560 for “alarm cancellation fee - but I have never had an alarm system from Telus, just a camera (which did not record sound and was not connected to an alarm centre) which was supposed to be free; $60 for TV Service agreement Fee and $60 for HS Service Agreement Fee - fees for which I had never agreed.  Interestingly, I was charged no cancellation fees for my primary residence account.
I am really hoping you can help me resolve this dispute with Telus.
Thank you,

Community Manager
Community Manager

Definitely not a great experience, to be sure. I'll send you a private message to discuss further, thanks.


Yea, one of those complicated contracts that seem to be caught up with Murphy's Law of IT systems.  For the future; my advice would have been to follow the 3-strike rule.  After 3 calls not resolving the issue - just cancel the 2 contracts and start 2 new ones asking the CSA to cover any cancellation fees.  You and any CSA that you can get to at Telus will be never be able to resolve the issues (gremlins) with the billing software: as Bill Gates told everyone - you need to "Restart"