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Is my money no good anymore?


After ordering fiber gigabit, the tech did half the job, the outside part, and said he';d come back. I said but you'll be under quarntine by then. He said no problem, we already started your job. The tech didnt show up, and I managed to book again, this time taking a day off of work. Again, he didnt show up or call. Nothing. Just left in the dark. Weeks later, when I finally got through, the woman on the line said , and I quote "too bad for you, I guess, you're not getting it". Speaking of "not getting it", you know that hefty bill you just sent me for my other services? wewll, youre not getting it. Ive changed my services to other comapnies, and I dont care what you do, you'll not see any money from me. Ever.


Community Power User
Community Power User

I'm confused. DId you or did you not apply for service? Your previous post seems to indicate you didn't, yet this post says you did.

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