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Fiber 300


Your modems don't have their own wifi? You also conveniently have a service where I can pay an additional $10/month for more boosters.... This is straight extortion, I now have the booster sitting next to the modem which is RIDICULOUS (see picture). I only need one more booster to cover the house properly (again, only because your modems dont have wifi abilities) and after waiting 2 hours to talk to someone the guy says he can do nothing for me. Very pleased with the service once a device which provides wifi is within range, definitely not worth it if its a floor and 4 rooms away. teluswifi.jpg


Community Power User
Community Power User

The Boost unit provides Wi-Fi 6 capabilities. When units with Wi-Fi built in were supplied, there was no Boost unit, so except for needing to find extra space, your access is no different.

You can, of course, move the Boost to another location in your home which is more central.

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