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Charged for internet overage during COVID-10 crisis


I received my bill today and it had a $25 charge for 110gb overage. According to TELUS's COVID info page, they will not be charging for overage until April 30. There's no 'dispute this charge' link and they have 'longer than usual' wait times to speak to someone. Has anyone else been charged for overage? 


You will get a credit on the following bill says show on Telus website if you just look and make an effort


If you have data usage notifications turned on in your account you should have received an email from TELUS about this. I received one and I read it so there was no surprise for me.


The relevant part in the email:

However, amid the COVID-19 global pandemic, we would like to help you stay connected during this challenging time. In support of our valued customers, we will be waiving your internet data overage charge if you go over your included monthly data. You will still see the overage charge on your upcoming bill and we will be applying the credit to your account the following month. Currently we are waiving overage charges for customers who are not on unlimited internet data plans until the end of April. We will continue to actively monitor the situation and keep you updated on any further changes to your bill.


From the terms and conditions on the COVID 19 FAQ page on the TELUS web site:

Bill credits will be automatically applied the month after a customer’s bill is generated. Example - for customers roaming in March, roaming-related charges will appear on the April bill, and a credit for those charges will appear on the May bill.