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TelusTV-21T Cloud recording playback freezing


I've noticed recently that cloud recording playback will freeze intermittently for about 1 second, just enough to miss that vital piece of dialogue. Happens maybe 5-10 times per hour during playback. It happens on multiple channels and programs.


If I rewind it still freezes so guessing it's actually on the recording. 


TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Hi @MrSL , can you provide a couple of examples of the show/episodes this occurred on? 

I deleted them in frustration... If or when I find more I will take note and advise.


It happens to me as well but so far it has not mattered. What I will watch for is whether the show is new or years old as it probably is the recording being rebroadcast to us. The freeze is annoying. To get it going have to press 30 sec FWD

Well freezing is not acceptable and it did matter... It was a new program. I ended up deleting it and watching on demand.

@MrSL  I only meant it did not matter for the show being watched. Of course it matters in general.

Hi @Rocky3 , apologies if that came over as terse. Telus is grinding me down lol.


I feel your frustration.

I left eastlink due to channels we watch being discontinued and now Telus is discontinuing Paramount which had prime shows. It appears to be a trend of changes not isolated to one provider. Shaw also is making changes.

TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

is this happening to all of your tv box? or just one?


Only have one box

TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

what's your  internet speed subscription? if it happen to all of your channels might as well call Tech department, have you tried factory reset the cloud pvr?



I will not do another factory reset thanks. This issue occurs once in a blue moon. It is now determined as the clip/stop play before a commercial, except the freeze and the commercial does not start. a click fast forward 30 sec gets it moving again

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