11-30-2023 02:01 PM - last edited January
Dear Neighbours,
We’re experimenting with different formats to assure you we’re listening and working on improvements to the TELUS TV platforms. We have frequent releases designed to tackle the platform's immediate and long-term stability, and we’ll do our best to keep this thread up to date with each new release to celebrate our wins together.
Please note this is not an exhaustive list; minor customer-facing fixes and non-customer-facing backend work are not included.
Q4 2024: (note: had to remove previous updates due to character limits on post)
Q3 2024:
Your Friendly Neighbourhood TV Product Development Team.
Another pet peeve:
The channel (ch) up/dn remote button does not track with My Favorites. The only way, currently, is to scroll through My Favorites with the Guide wheel.
Old habits (conveniences) die hard. It's always been the default for channel changing and other family members share the frustration of defaulting to the ch button, and then having to choose Guide, scroll, hit enter, etc.
Interestingly, the ch button will scroll through All Subscribed Channels. So given it's married up to that group it seems reasonable that it wouldn't be a stretch to marry it up to My Favorites, no?
Otherwise, the ch button is redundant. Dare I say, it's essentially useless. Just taking up space!
Is there any dev consideration to marry up the ch remote button to My Favorites?
3 weeks ago
Regarding the 21-T box: the HDMI CEC behaviour changed at some point. For a long time, it would immediately turn my tv back on after I turned it off. I had to disable the feature. After quite some time, I tried again this week. The above issue is now gone, but now the Telus box now seems to wake up and turn everything on around 7 in the morning. For fun, I swapped out the box with one from another room, and it behaves the same. The CEC function is super nice and makes my tv, stereo and Telus box play nice together. I'd like to use it. But this turning itself on in the morning is not ideal. Any chance this has been seen or is known about? HDMI CEC is a pain at the best of times, but it's so close to working!
3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
Has the TELUS STB that doesn't work with our Sony soundbar work yet? Haven't tried it in a bit because that is my wife's TV.
Recently they wanted to watch the Grammys and I said they have to use the TELUS TV+ app on the Google TV, daughter said the picture looks like really pixilated.
I am also afraid to ever switch to one of these Android STBs because I heard the picture looks awful.
Has TELUS gotten rid of so many employees that the contractors do not care about doing a good job? The Android boxes are a failure.
Any thing new to report?
I see a new App Version and Config timestamp 2025-02-13T18:53:39 yet nothing notable as far as function changes?
Still lots of frustration wrt ongoing documented issues.
You’re all so kind to continue beta testing this product for TELUS. It’s a bonus for them because you’re all paying to test their inferior product.
Sorry to see it’s still plagued with issues.
@Optikal_Speak wrote:Any thing new to report?
I see a new App Version and Config timestamp 2025-02-13T18:53:39 yet nothing notable as far as function changes?
Still lots of frustration wrt ongoing documented issues.
Thanks for the update, now I have an expectation. Mine still shows Time stamp 2024-10-23T19:50:08 but Android changed to 12,API:31
Never took notice of the Android version previously. Mine shows 12,API:31 as well.
Our dev team would like your account info to investigate the recording issues. We'll send you a private message to discuss.
If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.
Thursday - last edited Thursday
Respectfully, the ability to set pre and end times to a scheduled time has been available for 20 years on the individual level. What I am noticing is the new tech appears to be driven by the new tech generation.
Banking is another pet peeve. I until a few months ago was able to view my online bank statement in the long tradition of oldest at the top progressing to the newest at the bottom. I bank at two places and both have adopted this newest at the top. WHY are the new generation of programmers messing with what we all grew up with?
Because they are 20 somethings. A mentor of mine used to say "hire 'em young cause they know it all"! 😉