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Sportsnet 4K and TSN 4K not actual 4K


Before the pandemic, live sports such as Blue Jays home games (Sportsnet), Raptors home games (Sportsnet and TSN), many CFL games (originating in the east, TSN), Wednesday Night Hockey games played in Toronto, Ottawa, or Montreal (Sportsnet) were broadcast in 4K. After the pandemic, these broadcasts are just upconverted HD. It 's very easy to tell the difference between "real" 4K and upconverted HD.


Am I the only one experiencing this? As stated above, I know the difference between true 4K and that upconverted nonsense. Other 4K channels such as NASA 4K, Revel TV and InUltra are in true 4K; an HDR indicator even pops up on my TV when I tune to Revel TV or InUltra.


It has to be one of four things:


1) SInce the pandemic, the games are not being produced in 4K by the production company (Dome Productions)

2) Rogers is not providing the 4K feeds to TELUS 

3) Rogers is providing the 4K feeds to TELUS but TELUS isn't providing them to its customers

4) There is a hardware issue with the Optik STB (unlikely since true 4K is available on other channels)





There has to be someone who is experiencing the same? Ever since 2021, 4K sports programming is just upconverted HD?