Hey anyone with the new optik tv boxes notice that their sports stream is about 20-30 seconds behind people with the older optik boxes?
Two of my friends have the older boxes and they text me that a team has scored 30 seconds before it happens on my optik box. frustrating.
Any solutions? is telus working on a software update to fix this?
Our Optik team did release a patch late last year to reduce the delay, and while feeds are not simultaneous, they are still working on reducing the delay as much as possible.
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any timeline on when this will be fixed? Im seriously considering cancelling my optik tv because the hockey season just started and having every game ruined by notifications on my phone stating a team scored before it even shows up on my optik box is beyond frustrating.
No definitive timeline as of today but it'll be released asap.
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This should be a top priority for Telus. I have also considered changing back to Shaw/Rogers over basic issues like this. Live TV, should be live tv. A slight delay, no more than 10 seconds i could understand. But sometimes it is like 45 seconds. Completely unacceptable.
completley agree. This is the whole reason i even switched to optik tv and cancelled my sportsnet+ streaming service. However optik tv is actually worse in terms of delay which is mind boggling for something that claims to be live tv. I really hope they fix this issue within a few weeks because i dont want my hockey season to be ruined because of this. I will definetley switch to shaw/rogers if its not resolved soon
And the fact that the old boxes do not have a delay.
a month ago
I watch a lot of live sports. My feed is about 30 seconds behind everyone else’s. I recently got the new smaller boxes. I called Telus and they said it is to do with the boxes. That doesn’t sound good enough. There must be a way to fix it. I’m on the fastest internet and my boxes are wired.
a month ago
30 seconds behind everyone?
what system do they have if not Telus and where are they if not next door neighbours? The only time I heard of transmission delays of 30s was in order to be able to bleep out an offensive word in live broadcast.
a month ago
I FaceTimed my friend who has an older Telus box who lives 20 minutes away from me. I was 45 seconds behind during the flames game on sportsnet. While he was watching 3rd down in the nfl playoffs I was watching 1st down. It’s brutal
a month ago
Our dev team released a patch a while back to address this and reduced the delay. They continue to work on this as a high priority and hope to have another release soon to reduce it further.
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a month ago
more than half the nba/nhl season is done. When is this patch coming out??
a month ago
Mine is longer than 30 seconds. Ruins sports
I cannot imagine this being fixed until the source broadcast is sent via fibre signal. Seems like the copper cable system is re broadcast which is causing the delay.
This is so frustrating. I had a streaming service that was way less money that I went away from strictly because it has a large delay in live sports. Just like you, me and my friends text every flames game and every football weekend and I timed it last night and I was 45 seconds behind my friends. That is insane and it is very disappointing that the reason I left my last service was this and it honestly got more behind. 45 seconds is crazy and most of my friends have the old Telus box.