21 hours ago
I want to control our alarm using Google home. My Google Home account IS linked to Telus Home Assistant but Google doesn't work. Unlinked the account, then relinked it, didn't get prompted to input the code on channel 9097 nor did I get a chance to name our PVR. Google says 1 device is connected, we have 4 STB's, the alarm paneel, wifi boosters etc.
I assume I need to add Google to my 'smart home" but I don't see where to do it.
Google keeps talking about Telus Home Assistant, I only have 'smarthome', when I look in the android play store I don't see "Telus Home Assistant", I see "telus smarthome+", do I need to install that as well?
None of the telus videos help, neither does the FAQ. What am I missing?