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My box

So they came an installed on Saturday. For some reason they were not given my cable box. So I called. Then was told he'd send it out right away and there's be a compensation on my bill. Call today for an update as no other information was given. Then was told that the guy I talked to Saturday didn't do anything. And they were just going to give me a one time small discount and not the compensation I was told. So I said transfer me to a manager. Went on hold. It rang. Then silence. No word on my box tho... is this normal...


The box TelusTV-21T is couriered to you in adbvance of installation. That is how I got mine, SOP. I asked the installer why he has all the other parts and not the box, he shrugged. Everyone is assuming it is on the way so they have no answer for you. Keep calling or chatting until you get results. This is one issue that can be solved.