02-29-2024 10:47 PM
03-01-2024 09:58 AM
Flagging @Optik-Kate for line of sight!
03-01-2024 11:18 AM - edited 03-01-2024 01:09 PM
Perhaps we need to be watching or recoding the same show? Wondering if we see same issues.
Start from beginning. This has been available in the live guide on most shows, I do start from beginning (well 2 minutes early) when I press play on recordings and can fast forward to the live point. I do understand why you cannot play from beginning.
Stop recordings. Recordings in progress can be cancelled, or deleted before fully recorded. Or did you mean PAUSE recordings which also can be done.
Agreed, I do miss these. But also not highest on priority to get back.
Start recording ___minutes early
Stop recording ____ minutes later
03-01-2024 01:45 PM
Doing my best to understand the issue here, but I think it's just a difference of how things are implemented on the new Optik TV platform (cloud-based) vs. the old Optik TV platform (local hard-drive based) and how you access them.
On the new platform:
1. if you want to 'restart' a program from the beginning, you can go to the guide, scroll back in time up to 30 hours and select the program you want to watch, even if you haven't recorded it. The content licensors provide 'restart' rights, but they block fast forward. You can only rewind or jump to live.
2. if you want to start watching a recording that is in progress, you can navigate to the recordings manager (press and hold the rec button on your remote), select the recording and hit play. It will start from the beginning of the recording and you can pause, rewind and fast forward to the live point to your heart's content.
In effect, on the new platform, the live channel and the recording are 2 distinct things, but this allows you to jump from your set-top box to your phone, to your tablet and back again.
On the old platform, the live channel and recording were more integrated, but you couldn't jump around from device to device as the recording is stored locally.
All recordings should start 2 minutes early and end 2 minutes late, except for live sports, which run over by 60 minutes (90 minutes for tennis).
03-01-2024 02:04 PM
I'm using an Apple TV device to watch the recordings. Should there be any difference in behaviour from using Telus' set top box?
Because I haven't experienced this outcome yet:
2. if you want to start watching a recording that is in progress, you can navigate to the recordings manager (press and hold the rec button on your remote), select the recording and hit play. It will start from the beginning of the recording and you can pause, rewind and fast forward to the live point to your heart's content.
03-01-2024 02:45 PM
We had an Apple TV-specific bug where recordings would start playing back from the live point. You could rewind, but if you were trying to watch a hockey game from the start without spoiling the outcome, for example, this wasn't ideal.
The good news: this is resolved with the latest app update released this week to App version 2.8.0 Build version 546 ; if you haven't gotten the update pushed to your device yet, you can check for an update in the Apple App Store.
03-01-2024 03:02 PM
Good to know. I'll check and see if I have the latest version of the app
03-01-2024 07:35 PM
Downloaded the latest version of the app and checked against two live sports programs (Lacrosse and Baseball). Both programs started at the beginning of the recording. Great!
However.... I was able to skip ahead without issue but when I went to skip back the recording skipped forward to live and then would not allow me to skip back at all. So clearly still some buggy behaviour. I'll test on the set top box over the weekend to see if I at least have one way to watch the games off PVR in the Cloud as I was able to before with local storage and report back.
Thanks again for your assistance.
03-05-2024 08:14 PM
I was finally able to find the time to compare the Telus set top box vs. Apple TV. I have confirmed that when trying to watch a in progress recording the Telus set top box does start from the beginning of the recording and allows you to jump forward and back without issue.
However, the Apple TV box does experience a couple bugs:
1. Initial load starts at current 'Live' spot and then moves to beginning of recording. It's only momentary but it does not behave the same as the set top box.
2. Skip forward works as expected but when trying to skip backwards the recording jumps to live and you cannot return to the beginning of the recording again.
Would love to see these bugs resolved in a future release
03-01-2024 12:45 PM
Thanks @Rocky3 for some insight. I do now see that Cancel Recording works the same as Stop Recording. The wording of cancel was throwing me off and had me worried it would simply remove the recording from the storage.
As for using Start from beginning. That doesn't work for the situation I'm describing. I want to be able to start from the beginning and then be able to skip forward and back as I want. Start from Beginning in the live guide does not allow you to skip forward on all programs. And yes you can start at the beginning of a recorded program IF the program has stopped or finished, but what I'm ultimately looking for is the ability to start a program that is still recording from the beginning so I can "catch up" to live if I want to. I don't want to have to wait until the program is finished before I can start watching it.
For example: I record the hockey game because I won't be home when it starts at 7. I get home at 730 and can start watching the recording that's in progress and am able to fast forward through commercials and intermissions until I have caught up and am Live again. This is how it worked with the previous PVR that had local storage.
03-01-2024 01:08 PM
And yes you can start at the beginning of a recorded program IF the program has stopped or finished, but what I'm ultimately looking for is the ability to start a program that is still recording from the beginning so I can "catch up" to live if I want to.
I am recording a random program now, to test. I press play on the recording and can watch back and forth and back/forth several times the part that is recorded, but cannot go past the live which is understandable. I cannot create your issue. Maybe a hockey game recording is different?
03-01-2024 01:34 PM
I've set up a recording of a baseball game in a couple hours from now. I'll see how it behaves about 30 minutes in to the recording.
I just tried with live Curling but it was already in progress when I started recording. It did start playback at the beginning of the recording which is the behaviour I'm hoping to see. Let's see what happens with the baseball game.