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Alone episodes missing

Friendly Neighbour
I noticed episode 2 and three of the latest Alone series is missing from in demand.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@BB114 Can you clarify which season episode 2 is missing from?

Friendly Neighbour
Season 10

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks! I've flagged it to our content team 🙂

Friendly Neighbour
Any timeframe? We are jonesing to watch.

Sent from my iPhone

Community Manager
Community Manager

This request is being looked at as we speak. I'll follow up with our content team to see if they can get them posted asap. Appreciate your patience!


edit: Hey @BB114 - just spoke with the content team who advised the episodes are being loaded as I type this and that they should be ready to roll at some point later today. Keep checking in on them!

Season 10. Is missing more episodes again. There is nothing posted past episode. 5. It's available on stack TV but I'm already paying for it through you guys.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello. I've flagged this again to our Optik content team for investigation.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello again. Just got word from our Optik content team that we're all caught up with uploading episodes that have aired. Please note that E09 airs on August 3. Let me know if you still can't see everything up to E08, thanks.

Hello. Now Episode 9 from season 10 is missing. The crazy thing is that I recorded it on my system and was in the middle of watching it when it errored out and now won't play, but still shows up in my recorded list. I went to try to find it on demand and it is just completely gone despite it being August 7th now. Very frustrating. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks, @Jenni1313. We've flagged this!

Friendly Neighbour
Still missing episodes 9 and 10

Sent from my iPhone

Community Manager
Community Manager

I've flagged this to our content team, thanks for flagging!

Friendly Neighbour
Agreed! Why can’t some episodes be recorded?

The fact that paying-users must flag missing content is absurd! And the issues have persisted passed the episodes mentioned, meaning episode 6 and onward are still missing, weeks after release.
I will be canceling my services very soon.

We are also not able to see episode 9 or 10, but can access the previous 8

Friendly Neighbour
There are missing episodes for the TV show ‘Alone’ from History channel. My On Demand is missing episode 9 (Aug 3) & 10 (Aug 10).
Can these episodes be added or looked into?

Community Power User
Community Power User

There's already an existing discussion on this issue:

If you find a post useful, please give the author a "Kudo" or mark as an accepted solution if it solves your trouble. 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello. I've reached out to our team once again to ask what's up with these last 2 episodes, so someone should be looking into it asap.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Brightidea66 @Candraza @BB114 I've been advised by our team that there was a delay in us receiving the episode files from the provider, but that they've now been uploaded. They should appear within a few hours at most.