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4k PVR and Activation Code Problem


My sister's 4k PVR was a little problematic, so several months ago we received a replacement. The PVR replacement asked for an Activation Code which Telus did not provide. We ended up sending it back and sticking with the old PVR. 


The old PVR finally kicked the bucket. The new 4k PVR is again asking for an Activation Code on the screen. 


I was on the phone with Telus for over a hour and they asked me to pull the plug 3 times to get the box to reset. After it re-downloaded the configuration, the request for an Activation Code appeared on the screen like before.


Telus tells me they no longer use Activation Codes, so they are sending another box. I have a strong feeling the next box will also require an Activation Code.


The setup is a standalone, wired PVR with two wireless TV terminals connecting to the T3200M modem/router. The two terminals work for watching TV, but no programs can be recorded. Trying to avoid the cloud box. 


Has anyone encountered this problem before and what was the resolution?