2 months in a row I got charged 18.99$ for purchasing an app for which did not purchase. Last month I called Telus and they told me they could not help that I need to call the app company or something. I don't know who to call as my bill only indicates "app purchase". So I let it go, but now another month!?? I won't be surprise if it shows up again this month and so on. Has anyone have this happen to them? If so, what must I do? I've been with Telus since July and I must say, I am not impressed!
November - last edited November
If you're seeing a recurring charge, it might be a subscription. As apps are subscribed to/purchased via your phone's app marketplace (or in the app itself), there isn't a way for TELUS to unsubscribe or refund you but there are steps you can take to mitigate accidental purchases (if that's what happened). Which device do you own?
You can view your app store purchase history here:
If it's not an App Store purchase, it could be a subscription via SMS so I would suggest checking your SMS history for possible culprits also.