12-26-2023 03:13 PM
Friday I switch to Telus at Best Buy Mobile, I get 1 line with phone for me on Telus, 2 lines only on Koodo, all at onbce.
4 hours later I get suspended with an email.
I call the next day, they ass for two photo IDs as well as address proof to be sent to [email protected]. I do that immediatly. Passport, Quebec Medicare. They tell me it's 3-5 days to get this solved.
This morning, 3 days lagter I call. They say I need to supply two proofs, I say I did, they replys that Quebec medicare card is not accepted, that I need to send my driver licence. I don't drive for medical reasons. I explain that. They say I need a canadian citizenship card. This is not even something the federal issues anymove and it's not normally something you have unless you are an immigrant which I am not. They say I need a Canadian military ID card. I am not military. I ask what else, they say a Candian Government photo ID. I explain that this does not exist. But they keep on saying over and over that I need to supply an additional govt phto ID. This does not exist.
There is a Telus page on their website where they say they accept quebec medicare. But they won't accept when I ask on the phone.
I don't drive, am I banned from being on Telus ? How can I get out of this and just get validated so I can get my lines working and not have to pay full price for my new phone ?
Is there any other avenue for complaints that can get this moving ?
12-26-2023 05:55 PM
It sounds like Best Buy Mobile screwed up when they sold you the service. Normally you have to ID when you sign up. and they either didn't properly ID or they forgot to properly document it.
I did find "As of 2023, Quebec does not have a photo card for non-drivers. Residents may use their Quebec health insurance cards as ID, however, as they contain photos." The health card should have been sufficient. It's possible the person that spoke with you from Telus isn't aware of that since QC is the only province that does that.
12-27-2023 10:23 AM