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What are full Bring-it-Back re-payment terms if decision is made to keep a device after 24 months?


The smart device I currently have has served me well, but recently began acting up (uh-oh). The rules have changed enough since getting my last phone I'm trying to navigate the changes to avoid potential surprises/headaches getting a new phone/contract.


I'm seeking clarification of the terms/conditions for "How to keep a Bring-it-Back device". My searches for the full terms if someone opts to keep a device after 24 months redirect to the same answer, which is not explicitly clear regarding re-payment terms of the Bring-it-Back amount.

Specifically my question is with regard to "Option 2: Via your monthly bill". When the Bring-it-Back amount is added to the next billing cycle, I want to confirm if:

The full BiB amount would be due and payable in one lump-sum payment (which is what I suspect); or

(More unlikely) the amount is loaded to the clients account and the monthly device payment installments that already exist continue until the BiB amount is paid off (unless the client changed devices some time after contract expiration but before BiB paid)?




You’re correct that the Bring it Back amount would be in one lump sum which will be added to your bill once the contract is completed and the phone has not been returned.  There is a bit of a grace period however to still be able to return the device so chances are will not see the repayment amount show up until a bill cycle after your contract is completed.

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You’re correct that the Bring it Back amount would be in one lump sum which will be added to your bill once the contract is completed and the phone has not been returned.  There is a bit of a grace period however to still be able to return the device so chances are will not see the repayment amount show up until a bill cycle after your contract is completed.