07-14-2021 10:27 AM
I recently moved into a place with Purefibre preinstalled and I've had issues with the Wifi Hub kicking my desktop PC and my phone off the Internet from time to time. In both cases, it seems that the devices are still connected to the network and that the router is cutting them off for some reason.
When it happens it generally goes something like this:
Phone: Data stops loading, device shows that it's still connected to Wifi
Desktop PC: Windows reports "Connected: No Internet" for a couple of seconds. Internet connectivity will resume for about a minute before reporting "Connected: No Internet" again.
For my phone, this tends to happen after a few minutes of regular data usage in certain spots. (My place is small enough that I'm generally no more than 15 feet from the router) For my Desktop PC, this will happen while I'm using it anywhere between once a week and once daily. (My PC is situated roughly 8 feet from the router) For both devices, this is resolved by disconnecting from and reconnecting to the network.
A network analyzer app I used to use suggested that there was a DHCP problem at that moment; I ended up assigning static IP addresses (outside the router's DCHP pool of course) to both devices but the problem still persists. Elsewhere I was told to try a full factory reset, which I haven't tried yet but will be my next step. Neither devices has been configured for limited access. Meanwhile, I have six other devices on the network that do not have this issue.
Anyone here know what's up and what else I could do to try to fix it?
01-05-2022 11:34 PM