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Devices dropping off Wifi


I have several smart home devices on 3 levels in my home - 6 light switches, 2thermostats, 2door locks, 1door bell cam, 1sprinkler,  the usual home-office gear and personal devices (about 8 on wifi), plus 3 TV/PVR bases. I have a 3200M in the basement plus the Dual Band booster on the main. On a weekly to daily basis one or more of these smart home or IT devices randomly lose wifi/internet connection while the rest carry on. Sometimes they reconnect on their own, other times i have to reconnect using their app. Sometimes,  I can get my thermostat to reconnect just by pinging an address via the device's menu, other times I have to unplug it.

There seems to be no correlation to distance from the AP or what floor the device is on. 

The devices are from different vendors and they don't drop off in vendor-groups so the common point is the wifi/router system.

Could the T3200 be limited in terms of active clients? If it was a signal issue, you'd think they'd simply reconnect.

Has anyone had a similar issue and solved it?





Try turning off SmartSteering if it's on. Many smart devices don't work well that feature.

Community Power User
Community Power User

Which Dual Band Booster are you using?


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