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Today marks Canada’s Agriculture Day and TELUS Agriculture is investing in the important ways technology can impact sustainability in primary production and the food value chain.


Here’s how we’re helping everyone from seed growers to grocers provide food more safely and sustainably.


  • Weather Stations help farmers get more accurate, real-time weather data: Our new Weather Stations’ hardware and software package helps farms access more localized weather information. This solution is designed to capture and interpret weather and specific information from fields every 15 minutes, which is easily accessible through mobile and desktop devices. And when it comes to connecting Canadian communities, we’ve got farmers covered as the fastest internet service provider in Canada and the mobile network with the fastest download and upload speeds along with the best coverage in Canada. Weather Stations’ accurate, real-time weather data (rain, temperature, humidity, wind speed) supports sustainability by enabling farmers to better plan their operations and applications of fertilizers and water–saving trips out to the field and optimizing fuel use (reducing gas use and farming equipment emissions). By knowing the precise conditions in a field, farmers can spray or irrigate at the most optimal time, helping to minimize crop risks and waste. Learn more about TELUS Agriculture Weather Stations.
  • Feedlot Health helps optimize production efficiency and overall animal health: Feedlot Health by TELUS Agriculture is a global leader in its technology solutions with a strong track record of innovation, customer service, and top talent. Feedlot Health’s individual animal data collection and tools help optimize production efficiency and overall animal health by supporting data-based decision-making for feedlot and calf growers. The interdisciplinary expertise of the team helps optimize cattle health and nutrition, and adopt new knowledge based on the results of large-scale commercial research studies. Learn more about Feedlot Health.

Sustainably solving food security here in Canada, and across the globe, is a substantial task, and feeding an ever-expanding population requires new, innovative ways of thinking about our food system from seed to fork.


What Canadian food or recipe will you raise your fork to? Share your favourites in the comments below.


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