a month ago - last edited a month ago
1. Is there a way to delete a recording immediately after watching it? The only way I know of now is to bring up the recordings manager, navigate to the one I just watched, and delete it from there. This is clunky.
2. Is there a way to remove items from the "Resume" lists? My lists are cluttered with a bunch of shows that I have no intention of going back to.
3. During setup, I was prompted to pair my phone with the TV box, which I did, but now what? I thought pairing would let me use my phone as a remote control, but it doesn't. What is the pairing for?
4. It seems odd that if I connect a particular service (e.g. Apple TV) to the Telus TV app on my phone, I still have to connect it again separately on the TV. I would have thought that once I connect a service to my account on one device, it would be connected automatically on all my devices, but tech support seemed to think this was a ridiculous expectation.
5. Is there a way to adjust the recording start time? Our Jeopardy recordings all start a minute and a half too early.
a month ago
1. There isn't currently a way to delete immediately after watching, but it's on our radar to include. We do have unlimited storage, so it's more of a list hygiene thing than a storage issue.
2. On your set-top box, press and hold the OK button with a show in focus. This will bring up a contextual menu that has 'Remove from resume'. On mobile apps, press and hold on the show to bring up the contextual menu. On browser, right click and on Apple TV, press and hold the select button (middle button on d-Pad of aluminum remote or middle of touchpad on black remote)
3. This step was to help set up your box using your Android phone; connecting to Wi-Fi and logging into Google account rather than 'pairing' your phone. You can use your phone as a remote in the Google Home app (select Devices, choose your TV and enter the code shown on the TV screen).
4. Logins for 3rd party services (Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+, Apple TV+) are all managed separately and use their authentication protocols. Often, they will have a QR code that you can scan if you're already logged in on mobile. Apple TV programming is not available within the TELUS TV+ mobile app.
5. We have added 2 minutes at the beginning and end of each program recording as a buffer (30 minute programs record for 34). We found that start and end times from broadcasters are unreliable and early feedback showed that the beginning of shows was getting cut off. You can simply press the right d-Pad on your remote or the skip ahead button to skip forward in 30s increments.
a month ago
KHR, thank you for your prompt response!
1. Thank you. I agree it's not a storage issue, it's just a user experience issue. What should take one click takes a half dozen at least, and there's always the risk of deleting the wrong episode.
2. Thank you, I learned something! Too bad the same technique doesn't work on the "Resume from my apps" list. I see I have to go into the related app and edit the resume list there.
3. The Android remote through Google Home is very limited. I hoped the Telus app on my phone could be configured to work like a remote, showing all the options in the TV user interface and maybe more, but in a more user-friendly format. For example, allowing me to type in search terms, using the keypad on the phone instead of the tedious arrowing on the TV. (Yes, I know I can talk to the remote; I don't want to.)
4. I still think the integration with 3rd party services should link to my Telus TV+ account, not to a particular device. That way anything I integrated would be linked on all devices at once, without peculiarities like "Apple TV is not available on the Telus mobile app" or "YouTube Music is not available on the TV". Your approach just seems old-fashioned and unnecessarily cumbersome to me.
5. Shaw seems to solved the issue with unreliable start times somehow as my Shaw recordings always started on time. Maybe you need to embed an industrial spy in their organization to figure out how you can do it too. 🙂
Anyway, thanks for listening and responding, and at least fixing my resume list frustration. I appreciate your time!