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Recording playback issues


New Optik user here.  I'm finding that a lot of the time when I leave a recording I'm watching, then when I go back later, it restarts from the beginning and not the spot where I left it.  Is there a particular step to go through to ensure it returns?  I usually pause then hit the Back arrow, then turn off the TV, or change to something else.  It's a bit of a strange interface to me.




TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Hi @Surreyuser 


I find the best way to resume any of your recordings is to press and hold the rec button on the remote, select the desired recording and press OK. You should get a message to Resume, Play from beginning, or Delete.


Alternatively, from the home screen, there is a Resume row below the Apps row, which has your watch history from both recordings and On Demand; the default behaviour here is to pick up where you left off. This will show the most recent things you've been watching, chronologically from L to R.

Thank you. I have tried both these methods. Sometimes it works, other times it just hasn’t marked where I left off. I wonder if I’m exiting the recording incorrectly? Is there a specific set of steps to exit it? Normally I just pause and turn off the tv…


TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Hi @Surreyuser 


This is what I do as well, pause using the remote's OK button, and either exit the recording to watch something else, or turn the TV off and it works for me. The only thing I could suggest is to make sure that both your set-top box AND the TV are turned off (the box's LED will be blue). I'd reboot the box to make sure your cache is clean and make sure you're on the latest software (Settings > Device settings > Device Preferences > About > System update).

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