01-16-2024 12:26 AM
I have recently renewed my contract with Telus, with Optik included. When I watch on my laptop I am unable to play from the guide, and get random "user has no rights" when I try to watch programs or in some cases on demand programs.
01-16-2024 11:36 AM
Hi @asrivast
Are you logged in, and does this happen across all channels, or only on certain channels? Depending on your Optik TV combo, you may not be subscribed to the channels you're trying to play. If you go to the guide, and select Filter on the top right, you can select 'My subscribed channels' or 'Playable on this device' to see channels that are available to you. When on your TELUS home internet, 'My subscribed' and 'Playable' will be the same, but when you're away from home, certain channels that you subscribe to may not be playable, as the content provider has not allowed out-of-home playback.