a month ago
Please remove those new annoying 'bumpers' /announcements between songs on Stingray Music -- some are just images, others are full announcements!
4 weeks ago
When I posted a note here a week ago, I was under the impression that according to your pinned message at the start, your programmers are paying attention & listening to feedback. I want to repeat that the annoying meaningless interruptions that seem to occur every 10 min or so on Stingray Music channels, regardless of the genre, are distracting, and are ruining enjoyment, especially of classical pieces. If you MUST run those useless things, do it once at the top of the hour. Better still, remove them. Anyone else out there agree?
3 weeks ago
Our programmers are here, and do listen to feedback. The ads are from Stingray, so you could perhaps check in with them. There's always their option of a free premium subscription that you could look in to as well. We found this: https://musicsupport.stingray.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019084533-Free-Premium-subscription-through-a...
If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.
3 weeks ago
Well this is not quite accurate, according to the TELUS team member and further from the TELUs "loyalty desk" team member, they are TELUS ads and there is no way to remove them. This is on top of being told the "might go away" if I pay to upgrade my Prime subscription to the "non advertising" version. I am ok with ads on my tv - not on the music. This is just nuts. On top of that, I am being asked to support petitions for TELUS (when on hold for 2 hours and on any recording). This is insulting, this may have stopped now. Really TELUS? surely you are better than this.
3 weeks ago
Oh and by the way if you follow the link (which should have been done before providing it as a solution) you will note that to "upgrade" is free for a time then $3.99 per month) - so to get rid of TELUS ads, there is a premium to pay. Just nuts, it was fine before.
2 weeks ago
Yes, it is totally annoying. We are paying for the stringray app as part of our monthly fee. The ads are for telus security - would stringray put them on for free for Telus. Telus should stop advertising on this.
I posted the original complaint about these annoying ads a month ago and they're still disrupting the music, which means Telus doesn't care what we think, it's "put up or shut up." Well, I'm fed up with being treated like a mindless moron who has to be constantly 'reminded' about the corporation's online security it's desperately trying to sell me. I've had enough of Stingray, and Telus too. Time to find another TV service. In the meantime, youtube still plays music free and with ad blockers, no interruptions.
My final note -- Stingray has plenty of flaws, as regular listeners know, and so does Telus. I'm not putting up with them anymore. A friend has found a deal on satellites, that's where I'm going. Bye.
2 weeks ago
We have been listening to Stringray for quite a while, never had ads interupting music before. Especially the ad is for Telus security. Telus should tell us before hand that we will be charged for ad free music