I am asking again. I’ve been asking for years and many other users have been on this forum with the same issue. I will ask again, as this issue drives me right out of my mind.
Once you watch live streaming TV, or start watching a PVR’d show - if you pause or stop the show, and then exit the show to go to demand or to apps, when you return to regular TV, even though you have the demand menu or other menus displayed, that show starts itself up again and plays in the background. You can’t just stop it, if it’s a loud show, because the show is not in front of you, it’s hidden behind all the menus you’re in. So you have to madly try to exit all the menu options to get back to regular TV to stop the show, all while it is loudly playing at you. It is SO annoying.
With the streaming apps (Netflix, Prime) - a person is often moving between those and regular TV throughout the day.
I think if Telus stopped resuming shows after a period of time once they are paused (or stopped), this would solve the issue. If I pause a show to answer the door, and then if I get delayed at the door, after a few minutes the show resumes without me and by the time I get back…..half the show has played through and I have to reverse it and try to figure out where I was when I paused it. There is no need that I can think if, to resume the show without me (after all, I’m the one watching it and if I’m not there…..??).
Please, please resolve this. It is really infuriating and totally unnecessary.
Thanks for the feedback.
While in the TELUS UI: live shows resume after 15 minutes of being paused. On Demand and Recorded shows do not automatically resume if they've been paused, but they will remain paused in the background as you navigate around the interface. When the automatic resume was designed, we found that >99% of folks returned within the 15 minute time-frame. Clearly you're in the 1%.
All programming; live, On Demand and recordings will resume if you exit the TELUS TV ecosystem, go into 3rd party apps (Netflix for example) and return. Live programs cannot be paused to exit into 3rd party apps. This (and the 15 min pause buffer from above) is because the pause point is stored in the cloud, and allowing millions of customers to pause for infinite amounts of time could create a massive memory storage issue.
A couple of one-click solutions as you return from Netflix etc. are to 1. mute the TV if it's too loud, or 2. press the back/exit button or the home button to dismiss any menu overlays. There shouldn't really be any need to be madly exiting menus...just one press of the home button on your remote will get you back to what's playing.