a month ago
I spent over 2 hours last week on the phone to have the technician tell me it was 24 - 48 hours to address my help ticket; to which they did nothing. I spent 1 hour and 40 minutes on the phone today to have the tech solve nothing and put in another ticket to tell me it is going to be 24 - 48 hours to fix the issue. All I want to do is log into my Telus Tv+ app on my Samsung Tablet or Phone. It worked fine until last Monday when I started getting the error message ERR_AGL_ACN-3545.
Nothing has changed and our system has worked fine for many years. Not sure what Telus did, but they messed it up and honestly their online techs are useless. The same old, unistall the app, restart the tablet, reinstall the app, log in and ERR_AGL_ACN-3545. Telling me to try all the stuff I tried before I called them; hardly techs.
a month ago
Hi @gjpilgrim - we can investigate the issue as well. We'll send you a private message to help
If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.
a month ago
I have a samsung phone , just checked, have no errors. app is working.
Suggest you uninstall the app, restart the phone, then re-install app
There is lately too many updates, one of those likely caused your issue unintentioaly
a month ago
a month ago
@gjpilgrim wrote:done all of that, been on the phone for hours with Telus... I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app multiple times, changed my login, password, etc as well as restarted. Something is wrong on the Telus end.... everything else works fine on my phone and tablet
You successfully installed it but it does not work. That is very strange.
This has occurred before but unfortunately it is never reported what actually fixed it.