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Channel/guide mixup

Just wondering, noticed that SN 4k wasn't showing the NHL Draft like it said it was supposed to. It was showing the Blue Jays game. Not sure if a Sportsnet thing or Telus thing?

I'll clarify, the Blue Jays game was on SN one/SN one 4k..the game was also being shown on SN 4k which said was supposed to be the NHL draft.

Community Power User
Community Power User

It's a Sportsnet thing. The broadcasters submit what is going to air a few weeks in advance and if they don't provide updates after that and change what's on, the guide won't be accurate anymore. It happens from time to time, especially if the broadcaster is having technical issues and has to switch the feed they're airing, or if a sporting event runs long.

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The 4k channels are mixed up, what is supposed to be on the regular 4k channel is showing what's supposed to be on the other 4k channel...the hd channels are fine

Well I unplugged everything and that may have fixed it...