Good Day. I am moving my Telus installed White Nokia ONT and am wondering If I can eliminate it all together by using a Telus supplied fiber (SC/APC) to SFP adapter that plugs directly in my T3200 m? I acquired the adapter from a friend who used to be connected to Telus and it was pulled directly from his T3200m (same as mine). Question is can I just plug it in and expect everything to work as normal or do I need to change some settings in the router and get telus involved etc. etc.? (I have no home phone and am only running 300 MP/S speed.)
If you got the SFP from a friend, no that one won't just work. They are serialized and tied to one connection / account and if that account is no longer active or their SFP was replaced, the old SFP won't function without a tech on site doing the install to get it registered to your connection / hardware. If you really want to really relocate the the ONT/T3200, I'd suggest calling Telus to get a tech out both for the SFP and to retrieve the ONT that you're no longer using.
I personally prefer having my ONT plus the T3200 and I'm on gigabit fibre. I have seen T3200s with the SFP in them. The SFP and fibre sticks out the back quite a bit so you need a fair bit of clearance behind the T3200m.