This is the second time in two months I've had to get my bill corrected, the first time the support lady was helpful and said "you're absolutely right the wrong bill was applied you should be paying $$$ per month, we've fixed that for you now"
They did update the pending bill, but looking at this month's bill, not only did they revert the change last month to the higher value again, but this month is also 40% higher than that value even. It makes no sense.
I reached out to support yesterday and they said there was an issue applying the change when customer loyalty did it originally and then they resolved my case saying loyalty will call me back.
It's been over 30 hours with no call back still
I don't understand why there has to be a call back. Just fix the bill like the first support person did, and don't revert it again. Why would I need to call in for this?
Perhaps a movement to require Telcos pay customers for time wasted trying to resolve Telco caused issues (similar to airline customers rights).