01-05-2023 06:26 PM
(My mom) recently obtained a wireless home phone hub to replace the landline she's had. She doesn't have internet and was not told (it) would be required for the WF723 hub she was sent. However, looking at her account, there are "data charges" for the landline number even though it's just in the process of being connected.
The "$10/month" fee for "For Voice & Data plan customers. Includes unlimited nationwide calling and 5 voice features." says nothing about there being a data fee. Also, the (contract) lists International Data @ $0.00 included.
What's up with the charges for data on a wireless home phone hub?? (can't seem to get help calling Telus)
01-05-2023 06:50 PM
Reach out to telus on Twiiter @telussupport they respond in a timely mater and will be able to assist you further as it's billing account related.