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New build Fibre connection


Hi all,


We just started our build and am doing some pre-planning. We have an area in the basement designated for computer/network equipment and this is where I would want the fibre from the street to terminate and the rest of the telus equipment to go.


Will telus run the fibre from the street to this location? I assume they would as this is their service cable from the street that terminates into their hardware directly, or would something else need to happen that I have not accounted for.

For context I would assume this would happen prior to drywall going up and if not I would run a conduit to pull their cable through to this location.





Helpful Neighbour


Do not assume anything. From reading a bunch of these forum posts, you might get an amazing technician that knows and understands exactly what you want and how you want it installed (and will be capable of doing exactly that).


HOWEVER, you might get an incompetent tool that should never hold a position of employment anywhere on planet earth.


Do as much prep work on your end as possible (run conduit, DO NOT install drywall, etc.) and be prepared for either type of technician to arrive for your appointment.


Watch them (and/or record them to have proof) work and be prepared to stop them (and kick them out) if they're obviously the second type of technician. If you record them and they turn out to the be second type, you can help Telus by providing them proof of their poor choice of hiring.


Always protect yourself. It doesn't take much, and it's worthwhile in the long run.

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