a month ago
I have Internet 75 with Telus and it is the fastest I can get as fibre is not in my area yet. The speed has always been a bit off and after running speed tests I'm getting 35 download and 10 upload consistently. Which is less than half of the 75. I have the Telus provided T3200M Modem/Router which have two DSL connections plugged into DSL1 and DSL2 ports of the modem for a bonded DSL connection. However, I noticed that only the indicator light for the DSL2 port is on. I've checked that both cables/jacks are working with a signal and also swapped which port I plug into. The result is the same with only DSL2 indicator light on. Is there any other way to check if I am getting the full benefits of a bonded DSL connection? Also, if the modem is only picking up one of the DSL ports, does it explain the slow speed test (its basically half of the 75.... coincidence?)? Any help or suggestion would be much appreciated!
a month ago
I have Telus Internet 100 on dual copper with the T3200M. I checked the rear of the T3200M and I both the indicators for DSL1 and DLS2 are illuminated. I believe this plan is supposed to be 100 up and 25 down with a total of 1000GB of data a month. I regularly see 115 and 30 with a wired connection.
Doing a speed test from the T3200M results in 115 and 30 consistently.
When I check the Status>Line 1 and Line 2 when logged into the T3200M both show as connected and interleaved.
Are you performing the speedtests directly from the modem? If you are on wifi the numbers can be significantly lower.