a month ago
Okay, long story short. I have a Arcadyan Telus Wifi Hub connected to a NOKIA ONT. I have the Telus Wifi Hub on bridge mode for port 1. I have PFSense WAN port connected to Telus Wifi Hub Port 1 (bridged). This has been working great the past few years. I have port forwarding working on my own PFSense router.
On January 8th 2AM Pacific Time, my Internet stopped working and glitched. I rebooted the Telus Wifi Hub, Nokia ONT, and my PFSense and went to sleep.
My Telus Wifi Hub kept loosing Internet connection. I had to call Telus support and they "cleared" my Telus Wifi Hub MAC/IP Address and I can surf through the Telus Hub.
My PFSense Router can surf but after 20 min or so, I would loose Internet connection. I swapped out my PFSense with a similar PFSense and same behavior. I swapped the 2nd PFSense with am Asus Wifi Router and it will function for roughly 20 min before loosing connection.
Telus Tech representative said Telus do not support bridging and port forwarding.
By chance I did a whatismyip look up through the Telus HUB and determined the assigned WAN IP and publicly listed IP address do not match. This leads me to believe I was transferred to a CGNAT setup.
When I enable Port Forwarding in Telus HUB, I obviously cannot see myself or any open ports.
As I used to have bridging and port forwarding working fine for a while, I believe this is a problem at Telus side. I will request for a direct WAN IP accessible from the outside world. Then test Port Forwarding.
But 3rd party routers would work and fail a few minutes later when connected to bridged port 1 of Telus Wifi Hub. When my 3rd party router works, I determined the assigned Telus WAN and publicly identified IP are also different.
SO in summary: I think Telus are moving people behind CGNAT so no port warding or DMW would work. I also think that Telus is checking the MAC address and if not identified as Telus equipment, they would block it.
I will call Tech Support again and ask them these questions. If they cannot resolve it, I will move to another provider. How is Shaw / Rogers?
BTW, I need a publicly accessible WAN to monitor a diabetic senior and kids with Autism.
a month ago
After 2 days, I am still un CGNAT. I spoke with numerous customer support agents and they had second-level tier "clear" my IP and it works again.
Here is additional pattern I observed. My setup is NOKIA ONT-TELUS WIFIHUB-PFSENSE on bridge port 1 of TELUS.
If I connect my device on TELUS network and use it heavily, I will eventually lose ability to make new Internet connections (while existing connections to youtube works albeit slowly). BUT device connection to my PFSense would still work fine. The reverse is true, if I use connections through PFSense heavily and my connection dies, device connections through Telus WiFi Hub still works.
So I called technical support after reading on reddit someone stated to mention "double-nat error" and "QOS Profile " to the agent will result in being transferred out of CGNAT. I tried this and no luck. They still kept me in CGNAT.
The next suggestion in reddit is to upgrade my subscription to FIBRE 250 and request newer equipment. Supposedly the redditor got his problems resolved.
I can live with CGNAT but not losing connection 15-20 times a day... I really believe there is something wrong on the Telus side of things or even possibly my ONT or WIFI HUB is dying (which is doubtful).
I will call Customer Care and ask for a provisional upgrade to 250 and newer modem to see if this will solve my problem...
a month ago
I am in BC dealing with the same issue with an older modem in bridge mode. I suspect Telus's GC-NAT is not allocating enough ports to customers or not enough IPs to customers to overload to, TCP connection timeout is too long, can't say for certain. I've seen my connections drop with as few as 200 current. If swapping to a newer modem does not experience the issue then maybe it's preforming a 4-6 tunnel. Customers shouldn't have to be forced off bridged modems to fix the issue. After getting off the phone with a Telus rep and them contacting their network team and reporting seeing a problem they 'reset' my modem and I am on a public IPv4 address again. The telus rep is not aware of what GC-NAT is and could not confirm if I would remain on a public IP or what was done.
a month ago
Thanks for the feedback...
My issue got resolved going this:
1. They upgraded me to Telus Fibre 150. I am still under Telus CGNAT but not disconnecting anymore. Although some pages takes longer or I get an error that the page will not load until I refresh again.
2. They came over and changed my Telus Wifi Hub and Nokia ONT to the newer NH20A integrated ONT and modem. They also installed a Booster 6 as the NH20A does not have wifi.
3. Initially I noticed I am still under Telus CGNAT. But during the phone migration "provisioning", they encountered some back end difficulties. Took them half an hour to get my land land reactivated.
4. Rebooted the NH20A and voila, I noticed I am no longer in Telus CGNAT. So far no disconnects or slow downs.
5. I enabled bridge mode on port 1 and installed my own router. The Telus WIFI boost 6 is in the 10GB port.
Nothing changed in my setup and working fine...
What a long week!
3 weeks ago
I'm having the same issue. This is quite frustrating. I'll try your suggestions in the morning.
3 weeks ago