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Are we REALLY getting fibre optic cable in our neighbourhood?


My neighbours and I have recently received notices in the mail saying that Telus is installing fibre optic cable in our neighbourhood.  Can this really be TRUE?!?  We are at the north end of Mallory Road in Enderby, B.C.  The mailing has my name and address on it.

If it is true, is there a schedule for the installation?  I'm wondering if I should cancel my StarLink installation and there's over $800 on the line.  Thanks!



@Rosalynn  Don't get in a rush. This could be months away. They will string the fiber cables pole pole if overhead all the drops to houses. Many different crews - stringing - house installers. termination crews equipment installers at tel substation. Once fiber is to your house and terminated then you can apply for hook up. Don't rush it you will have sales people coming to your door. Crews move from town to own and you will never get a date when they are coming. Crews have special training for this. It took 2 years in creston before the first fiber cable was in the air and another year for first hook up.  If underground takes longer.    Polecat

Thanks for the detailed reply, Polecat.  We hear that the crew is stringing the cable down at the far end of our road now, about 3 miles from our house.  Sounds like I shouldn't be expecting the switchover too soon!  Especially based on a couple of the other replies from big city folks who are still waiting, when the service is up and working across the street and has been for over a year.  That's got to be extremely frustrating.


@Rosalynn  Myself i would not enter into 2 or three year contract but that is me.  If you have a slow internet now  maybe put up with it a while longer. Use those dollars for something else.


I live in the Westend of Vancouver.  We had Telus Rep's in our lobby in October of 2019, promoting Telus PureFibre.......AND we are still waiting for it!  The building directly across the street, has had PureFibre for about 18 months - We are all getting impatient - And yes, WE DO GET, Covid-19 is a huge player in this.  No matter who you call at Telus, in any department, NO ONE has a clue, or are unwilling to divulge ANY information, as to when WE are getting the service!  Come on TELUS, just DO IT already!


Community Power User
Community Power User

@ThePopper - Whoever is on your strata that was dealing with Telus needs to follow up. If the strata never actually approached Telus and some PureFibre reps got in the buliding instead, your strata needs to start here. There were delays due to Covid but they are installing it in bulidings again. The equivalent of a strata in my building signed the forms approving the install before covid and we just had the building wired up about a month ago now. Huge improvement in speeds. 🙂

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OMG, Popper.  There's a warning not to get our hopes up!  I hope you get yours before we get ours.  We didn't even have any notion at all that it was a possibility until a couple of weeks ago.


Believe it, when you literally HAVE IT!!



Hi Rosalynn, My wife and I are moving to a road close to you and would love to hear any updates you have on the Telus fibre project.