Am struggling to get basic TV service for my Mom who is in a long term care home that only provides Telus. The struggle centers around the ridiculous rate she must pay to get TV as they insist it has to run the internet as well. There is a basic TV package that costs approximately $25 monthly which would fit her needs instead all that is being offered is internet + TV for over $65 month or around $470 annually. So we have an infirm resident who has no choice but to pay an exorbitant rate for simple TV access. Nice. The CRTC is really doing its job.
So, I cannot see the current residents were shown a huge increase in their Telus bills and the facility is old so I doubt there have anything more than rudimentary upgrades to the technology. Why the ridiculous charge for basic TV?
Anyone who has any insight or experience with this, would greatly appreciate your input.
Hey @User2024 - we can take a look internally at the options that your Mom has as they could be dependent on the building. Can you please send us a private message so we can gather some personal info and go from there?
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