I started hearing ads while listening to Stingray music a few weeks ago. We are subscribed to TELUS Optic TV and Stingray is included in the package. We pay big bucks to stay with TELUS TV, rather than switch to other providers with more affordable streaming options, and better choices of shows. Why then do we have to listen to ads on a paid Stingray subscription?
This Reddit thread seems to imply this is something Stingray is doing:
why am I getting Telus ads on stingray? : r/telus
3 weeks ago
The Telus ads on Stingray were annoying initially when they occurred about every half hour. This week (2nd week Feb) they seem to be about every 15 minutes. It interrupts the pleasure of listening to the music, and I hope they are a temporary feature.
3 weeks ago
I noticed the ads right after I locked in for two years. Horribly annoying and I am done with Telus. Will drop them first opportunity regardless of switching costs. I know they're doing really well recently and have been rewarding shareholders handsomely. Seems to embolden them into abusing their customers, I guess to suck up a bit more. With no meaningful competition in Canada it's easy to get away with it. Sad. I'm not Trump supporter but do agree with more US companies allowed here including internet and cell phone providers as well banks. Canadians constantly get screwed and we often don't know it, or worse just ignore it. High fees we pay go into communications budgets so they can bombard us with their propaganda to tell us what a great service we have them. Sorry, that's my Sunday rant.
Completely at my wits end over this - not only is it annoying, it is unwanted. I recently upgraded my Optik tv to pay more $$ for more channels and now I get this advertising. Aparently there is no way to get rid of it. The one team member told me it is because I added Prime tv (with ads and I am fine with ads on TV channels) and the only way to get rid of the stingray ads is to cancel Prime or upgrade to non advertising Prime. What a wonderful way to treat clients - make it so annoying they have to upgrade and pay more $$. Well, time to look on spending $$ more appropriately I think.
Thanks and yes, I know that the "prime" solution was not accurate to begin with.
Agreed. no connection. Another example of the training the client service people receive.