Yesterday I had an installer come to my home and install (upgrade) our security system. The process was one of the most frustrating experiences I’ve had in recent memory! It took HOURS for the online support to discover my email was associated with my former Telus account, and no matter how many variations of new passwords we tried, nothing would work. They kept sending me verification requests to Mytelus app which I couldn’t access without being logged in, instead of sending a code via phone# or email!
I couldn’t access code without logging on (duh), but the most upsetting thing of all was, the installer pulled out a paper survey sheet and informed me to I must sign it and below were the satisfaction choices:
(1) Excellent (pass)
(2) Very Good (pass)
(3) Good (fail)
(4) Fair (fail)
(5) Poor (fail)
He tells me “PLEASE UNDERSTAND that ‘good’ means I fail the satisfactory assessment”
Meanwhile, he’s hovering over me, basically forcing me to give a review I COMPLETELY disagreed with! He stated, “this review is only for the installer, but you can leave the lesser review for the backend phone support workers”.
I said to him…If I was to honestly rate this install, it would get the POOR (FAIL), and if I wasn’t already late for an appointment, I would probably make him uninstall everything, and cancel my account.
I will add that, this installer was also grabbing my iPhone attempting to find my list of passwords so he could confirm if they matched what I was entering! His lack of respect for even the most basic security protocols made me feel… that having Telus Security installed in my home, was the worst security breach I could have imposed on myself and my family!
And did I mention…he had bad breath!?!?
Company employee or contractor? I'm betting contractor.