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Live TV timeout


I have a Telus "evolution" TV box.  I leave the TV on live streaming (from the TV guide page) when I go to work in the morning to have some noise in the house so my dog doesn't feel too lonely.  Dog walker comes in at lunch and takes her out, everything's fine.  But by the afternoon the live TV "times out" and either starts showing ads, or starts showing a picture of how to use my remote control.  (This isn't the screensaver which I've disabled myself).


The issue with this is that my dog then starts barking when there's nothing on the TV, and my landlord is now starting to complain about it.


I spoke to customer support who said on on the legacy TV boxes TELUS could change the idle time, but on the new ones it's not possible to change.  Please could this be made customizable, or just remove this feature -- so that if I leave live TV on for a few hours it doesn't decide to time out and go silent on me.