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As it is now the only siren your alarm system has is on the panel.  In our house the panel is upstairs and the siren can  barely be heard in parts of our basement or not at all in the shop.  If our alarm goes off you can't even hear it outside; wouldn't it make more sense to have a siren outside so neighbors etc can hear when it goes off?
It would be nice if you offered extra internal sirens that could be plugged into any outlet but it would really be helpful if you offered an external siren we could plug into our soffit plugs.


Hi @Fisherguy 



Thanks so much for the Idea! This is a really great piece of feedback. I've submitted it to our product team and we will see what we can do to implement.


I agree with you entirely.  My old 3G system was better than this new 5G system.  First of all I had a lot of trouble to get 2 partitions then when I get it the whole system is useless because I can't hear it when the alarm goes off.  I had a siren outside wired to my garage now they tell me they don't have a siren for this new service.  I am considering throwing it all out and change companies.


Yes the siren coming from the panel is pretty much useless outside, no one would know it's going off, including the owner if he's not close to the house.
(I've been away, looks like Amyj posted a comment that was removed..?)