since ‎03-26-2019
2 weeks ago

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  • 53 Posts
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I'm wondering why the S22 series is no longer receiving the monthly security patches. Yet, Samsung states the S22 is still on the list to receive them.Is this a Telus issue/feature? thanks Scott
Nest components recommend using multicasting. Is it possible to achieve this with the Wifi hub?
I had the Telus WiFi Hub + Cisco AP installed this summer and I continue to have Internet drops on WiFi equipped devices. I also have 2 WiFi Boost installed. There are hesitations on the TV's and glitches from the PVR. The technician did the install ...
I have a couple of questions about the strength of my WiFi, to which I seem to have a lot of problems keeping device connected to the system.  First, I have the T3200M router and connected to the system is a pair of WiFi Boosts, one hard wired and th...
I have the TM3200 with 2 of the WiFi Boosts, yet I can seem to keep outside devices connected consistently. Is there away to increase the WiFi signal of these devices?