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Spoofed phone number


Over the past 3 days i have received more than 20+ calls from people saying they had received a call from my work cell number. When i check i havent made any calls to any of these people who claim im calling them. And there from locations from all over Canada. Is there anything that Telus can do about this ??


Also i dont know why but every time i try to make a post this site defaults me to French.



Gestionnaire de la communauté
Gestionnaire de la communauté

Definitely annoying. Here's more info about it from the CRTC:

It's important to note that your number hasn't been compromised and the fraudster does not have access to your personal details. Numbers are generally selected at random by their software and affects many people across Canada, the U.S., and Europe. 

At this time, we don't have a mechanism in place to fully stop the practice. 

Voir la solution dans l'envoi d'origine


Gestionnaire de la communauté
Gestionnaire de la communauté

Definitely annoying. Here's more info about it from the CRTC:

It's important to note that your number hasn't been compromised and the fraudster does not have access to your personal details. Numbers are generally selected at random by their software and affects many people across Canada, the U.S., and Europe. 

At this time, we don't have a mechanism in place to fully stop the practice. 

Thank you, i contacted Telus and had them change my number. Hopefully that works lol.