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Transferring Phone Numbers Between Telus Accounts


I am so frustrated. For days I have been trying to transfer my old phone number, which I have had for about 10 years, to my Telus account. The only problem is that it is currently linked to my parent's Telus account. WHY IS IT IMPOSSIBLE TO TRANSFER IT!!??? I have the old SIM card and the new SIM card. It is impossible to talk to a real person about this issue and the automated voice system is utterly useless. I almost lost it when they texted me a link to the exact useless page I had already viewed 100 times. Apparently, the only way to solve this problem is to transfer the # to a pre-paid SIM, and then to the new SIM. The only problem is that I don't have the money to do this. Maybe the answer is to leave Telus all together... Unless anyone else has some insider knowledge! It truly feels like Telus is an empty warehouse full of scams...



Hey @maiabean what you are looking to do is a "transfer of ownership".


The way I recommend doing it is calling in to us with your parents at the same time, speak to the agent that they give first name last name permission to take the phone number.


You then tell the agent you have the account number 12386782 or whatever it is and that you wish to take the phone number.


You can also visit a TELUS location with your parents and get the representative to call in to their support team to have this done. Both parties will need to provide a piece of ID